A Danish woman rescued a two-year-old Nigerian boy, abandoned by his parents

A Danish woman rescued a two-year-old Nigerian boy, abandoned by his parents. The 12 Most Inspiring Good Deeds of 2016 That Made Us Proud of Humanity

Almost a year has passed since Anja Ringgren Loven found a naked starving two-year-old baby boy on the street in Nigeria.

Anja gave him a name to give him the strength to recover: Hope. The boy was left to die by his own family because they thought he was a witch. At the time, he was a one-year-old toddler who could only survive thanks to kindhearted passers-by giving him some food. Anja took Hope in, and he is now one of 34 children being cared for at the orphanage which she founded with her husband, David Emmanuel Umem.
When Anya published the photos of Hope on Facebook, people started sending money to help the poor boy recover. As a result, she received $1 million in donations from around the world. Anja and her husband are planning to open one more orphanage and a hospital for children. Today, Hope is unrecognizable from the skeleton he was a year ago. He is a happy and chubby child that enjoys his life.

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