The person you will be in 5 years depends largely on the information you feed your mind today.
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People may hate you for being different and not living by society's standards, but deep down they wish they had the courage to do the same.
A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are.
One day you'll look back and realize that you Worried too much about things that don't really Matter.
If someone poisoned my food water or air they would go to jail but when companies do it we call it profit.
The less you respond to negativity the more peaceful your life will become.
Imagine if trees gave off Wi-Fi signals we would be planting so many trees and we'd probably save the planet too .. TOO bad they only produce the Oxygen we breathe.
Why is denmark ranked the happiest country in the world by the UN?
One small positive thought in the morning can change your entire day.
It’s easier to get free WIFI than it is to get free water and people act like nothing is wrong with the world.
Sometimes, all we really need is a break in a beautiful place to figure everything out.