How To Remove Plaque - Natural Remedies
Mineral deposit on teeth is known as tartar. As
time passes by, the amount of tartar increases and if you don’t take care, it
can cause periodontitis.

Of course, the best way to remove tartar is paying a visit to your dentist, but another way is to remove tartar at home.
To do, you will need :
– Baking soda
– Toothbrush
– Hydrogen peroxide
– Salt
– Water
– Cup
– Dental pick
– Antiseptic mouth wash
Baking soda is the most popular and effective tool for removing plaque.

Step 1 :
First, mix one tablespoon of baking soda with ½ teaspoon of salt into the cup. After you wet the toothbrush with warm water, dip it into the mixture. Scrub teeth with it and spit. Continue the same process for five minutes.
Step 2 :
Mix a cup full with hydrogen peroxide with ½ cup of warm water and rinse your mouth for one minute, then spit and rinse with ½ cup of cool water.
Step 3 :
Rub the yellow tartar from teeth with a dental pick. Be careful not to scrape the gums because it may irritate and damage them.
Step 4 :
Rinse mouth with an antiseptic mouth wash and repeat every second day.
Here are some other advices to help you keep your beautiful smile.
Strawberries and
Tomatoes :
Tomatoes and
strawberries are rich in vitamin C which is excellent for oral health. You can
rub these fruits directly onto your teeth and let it sit for 5 minutes. This
way the tartar build-up will soften.
Rinse your mouth
with baking soda mixed with warm water afterwards. Also, you can use the same
procedure with other food that contains vitamin C, like bell peppers, berries,
lemons, lime, oranges and papaya.
Cheese :
Eating a Swiss or
Cheddar cheese before meals helps neutralize the acids that involve plaque
creation. An ingredient in aged cheese works as a barrier agent.
Moreover, there are
other things that you can add into your oral health routine :
- Brush your teeth regularly with a soft brush and make vertical movements. Pay attention on the space between gums and teeth.
- Floss regularly.
- Consuming spicy food stimulates salivary glands. That way saliva cleans mouth in a natural way.
- Fight bacteria with an orange peel rub on teeth before going to bed and don’t rinse mouth.
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