Everyone needs a friend that will call and say, Get dressed, we're going on an adventure.
Genaral Wisdom
Mental health
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Train your mind to see the good in every situation.
The person you will be in 5 years depends largely on the information you feed your mind today.
Stay positive even when it feels like your life is falling apart.
The less you respond to negativity the more peaceful your life will become.
People winning materialistically but losing their souls.
Truth is like a surgery it hurts but cures. lie is like a pain killer it gives instant relief but has side effects forever.
The winners are those who learn to take full responsibility for their actions. The losers are those who blame others for their failures.
There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn't even jump puddles for you.
You deserve someone who hugs you until you forget what makes you sad.
When someone does something wrong, don't forget all the things they did right.